03 Aug Kniesel’s Core Values – Our Promise to You
A daunting task: Core Values!
It was Kniesel’s 50th year in business, and we were excited that each of our 8 locations was performing well. Overall, we were thrilled that the organization was growing, strong and vibrant. All great things in the eyes of a business owner!
However, as we looked forward to the next 50 years of the Kniesel’s organization, we took a step back to evaluate where we had come from and how we got here. Growth and prosperity are both great things, but not if we lose sight of the principles that have guided us from inception.
We were intensely aware that our company could face the same fate as other companies who enjoyed growth, but whose guiding principles became diluted – or even completely lost – in the growth process. (The outcome is usually grim).
We had already defined our why and our how. But did Kniesel’s have a compass guiding our behaviors and beliefs? How did we expect our staff to act and behave? We realized that by identifying, developing and instilling the exact principles and values of our organization, we would have a true brand compass to guide us into the next 50 years of business.
Our Core Values statement is our promise to YOU about how we will act; they define our character and drive the behavior of our teammates. They are the essence of Kniesel’s identity – our principles, beliefs and philosophies. We wanted the principles to truly reflect our values as leaders and as an organization. These values, in fact, are the product of hours of collaboration, introspection, deliberation, and consensus among Kniesel’s leadership.
We hope you like them as much as we do!
Kniesel’s Collision Core Values
The Golden Rule: “For generations, the Golden Rule has been our guide. We treat our customers, employees and partners as we like to be treated – with honesty, kindness and great care.”
WOW Customer Service: “We are committed to spectacular customer service. We love our customers, so we don’t just listen to them, we surprise and delight them.”
Humility: “We are not afraid to make wrongs right. We remember our modest beginnings and serve our customers, employees and partners with humility.”
Integrity: “We build trust through fair, ethical and top-quality work. We do the right thing – even when no one is watching.”
Family: “As we have from day one, we strive to treat everyone like family.”
Quality: “We do not ever compromise our standards or take shortcuts. We deliver the highest quality at each phase of the process.”
These values have shaped Kniesel’s Collision, and we will continue to hold them dear into future generations.